Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A little "soapy" story

Well - this story is not for the weak stomachs in the room...just warning you!

Jon and I are living in a hotel (again) this week in DC, where he is working while Ruari (his boss) is out of town. Jon had the opportunity to take the first shower during our stay, and he took it at night. The next morning - I woke up - and hopped in the shower. As most of you know - Jon and I are COMPLETELY BLIND when it comes to seeing w/o glasses or contacts - you can forget it. Well, I was frantically searching around the bathtub for the soap bar that Jon used the night before b/c I had forgotten my body wash at home. I finally found it on top of the shower ledge...above the faucet that the shower water comes out of. Reaching up high...I grabbed the soap and continued my shower. After I got out - I decided to give Jon a hard time about where the soap was. I was like - "Uh - way to hide the soap clear up high on the shower..."...

Now here's the nasty part...he DIDN'T!!! Ick - I am throwing up in my mouth just thinking about it. Apparently the maid must have missed it from the person who stayed in our room before us!!! UGH...YUCK...ICK...BARF...
Jon keeps telling me "It was has to be clean!"...but still...


Anonymous said...

And you didn't take another shower?!!! I probably would have.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Wes!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA that's hilarious. disgusting...but hilarious!!!