Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Fun!

We have had so much fun the past couple of weekends! Last weekend we went to a pumpkin patch and sunflower field. It was so fun and all free! We were able to pick out our own pumpkins and take some great fall pictures! :) After the patch we had some old friends from West Virginia come down for dinner. It was fun - there were 14 of us at Red Robin! It was fun to see everyone's kids and catch up on life! ;)

Then this past weekend - we had 2 fall festivals. The first one was in our shopping center (1 mile from our house). It was AWESOME! EVerything was free...they had food from all the restaurants (of course I didn't eat a thing!) and they had pumpkin painting and a parade and face painting and characatures...(however you spell that)...Then our neighborhood had one with a free cookout and moonbounces and all of that fun stuff! :) Yesterday - I played w/ the church band for the first time.
They are REALLY good! It will take me some time to figure out how to work all the equipment and get used to how things are run. I am playing on a synth w/ one hand and a keyboard with the other. It will be a great opportunity to grow as a musician....when you play with people better than you - all you can do is get better! ;)
Then last night - we tried out a homegroup - and LOVED It. Everyone was so nice - and there were 2 other little girls Kennedy's age. We just really loved it...and are loving our new church. It's amazing how connected we already feel here. We've honestly done more in 2 months - then we did in 2 years in our previous state! :) We are grateful and thankful to be here...even though we miss our dear friends.


Ben, Laura, Ted & Sophie said...

the picture of jaxen in the swing is PRICELESS!!!! oh my gosh! LOVE IT! so glad you actually went to a pumpkin patch that wasn't closed for the year! =)