Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well - a few of you have asked for an update on our church situation. :) We are soo excited to say that we have found a church home! It's a super long story about how we ended up here...but we KNOW 100% that it was NOT an accident! We had planned to be a part of the Teays Valley Chuch plant in West Virginia...and were so confused as to why God had laid that on our hearts and why we were being pulled in that direction...only to find out that we were moving out of state!

We now know EXACTLY why we went through that! He was burdening us to be a part of a great ministry here in Charlotte. THe church is only 18 months old - but we feel and see that it is about to explode! God is doing great things in this work and we are ecstatic about partnering with them in this endeavor!

We have only been attending for a month now - but we have already been to the pastors house to play Poker..ha!...and to a small group and I will be joining the band this week! :) Didn't take us long at all! The main thing we love about the church is their vision. They are passionate about not just GOING to church once a week - but actually BEING the church in our community and surrounding area every day. We love their serving spirit and know that we will be on a huge journey of growth here as a family and individually as well.

Thanks to those who prayed for us in this decision!!


Ben, Laura, Ted & Sophie said...

yay for you guys!! i'm so glad that you feel so comfortable and excited . . . we do miss you!

Kristen Wilson said...

Wow Raych, I visited your churches site and it is exactly the kind of church we would be attending! Awesome. I am very excited for you.