Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kennedy's Masterpiece

Today was a rough day in the life of one little Sawhook. You can probably guess, by the title of this blog, who that would have been! Jon and I both ended up on the phone earlier today - Jon with work - and me with a call for a reference for a job for one of my closest friends. Both calls were necessary - however, this left our children unsupervied for about 10 minutes. WELL...that's all the time it took. After we hung up from our calls - we all left to run errands and have lunch out to enjoy this nice day. Kennedy was being SOOOO good. She rode in the cart nicely, said please and thank you...even told Jon "Thank you..lunch". We kept commenting on how well behaved she was being today. When we got home from the store -we found out why. :) You can see in the pictures below - her nice artwork. Not only did she color all over the walls...but she also picked away pieces of the drywall. Jon and I were both so shocked...this is our first real encounter with something more than talking back or not being gentle w/ brother. Looking back...she probably should have gotten a spank...but...instead - she got the scolding of a lifetime - and her pencils and color books thrown in the trash. She was devistated. She uses those pencils ALL the time...she LOVES to draw...and will take any opportunity given to do so! You can also see where she grabbed a baby wipe and tried to clean the walls off.... hehe...these are the stories we will look back and laugh at ... but for now - we have to figure out how to paint over it. :)


Anonymous said...

Awww poor Kennedy. I'm laughing so hard right now by the way. :) It's funny that she knew exactly what she did and she tried to fix it. And then she was a perfect angel to try and make up for it! She is entering into the Terrible Two's...just over a month! I have a feeling it's just beginning...

Miranda said...

Magic Eraser! I'm not kidding, that thing is a miracle worker. Try it before you paint over it :)

Ben, Laura, Ted & Sophie said...

We don't give them enough credit for being so smart (and sneaky)!!

Kristen Wilson said...

Killz will cover over everything! It's a brand of paint/primer that professional painters use. (:Oh to remember the days back when! You guys have only just begun. It's such and adventure being parents.

Anonymous said...

These kinds of stories always fascinate me. I know, I'm a little weird that way. Why is it that coloring on walls occurs to some kids and not to others? Hmmm! Anyway, I agree with Miranda. Magic Eraser is a good product. Also, Kilz. Good luck! Let us know what works for you.