Sunday, March 29, 2009

Locked out....again

Yeah - most of you know that Jon and I have a "knack" for getting locked out of our house. Perhaps it is the array of sippy cups, diapers, wipes, snacks, juice, bottles, formula, sleepies, pacifiers and kids?! Or - just that we forget to grab keys when getting into a vehicle to go someplace!?
ANYWAY...we have many stories...and STILL no Spare KEY! What the heck!?
Tonight was no exception. We got the kids loaded...bags in place (containing the above mentioned items) and sat down in the van - ready to take off. Jon says to me (I am sitting in the passenger seat)..."KEYS?"....
RIGHT...hello - you are the driver. Your responsibility is the keys! ;) We had a mild discussion about it - but decided that it was NOT going to unlock our house! Next thing I know - Jack Bauer...ahem...I mean JON - was on our roof - breaking into our upstairs bathroom window. (Which is really high I might add). He went in...hands first and as un-gracefully as possible - managed to get in - and unlock our door.
Sigh...still need to get that spare key made.....


The G's said...

mild discussion...funny!

Kristi said...

That is great!!! Sounds like Jon is part super hero!