Friday, May 8, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

Well - this week - we flew my mom out to watch our kids while we did Drive-In, Drive and while I got out my wisdom teeth! Talk about having the BEST BABYSITTER EVER! Kennedy and Jaxen love Mom-mom and they have had a great time. It was so comforting to know they were in good hands! :)

So - yesterday I went in and had 4 teeth pulled...only - 1 was impacted...and that is not fun. Pain pills are good. HAHA - apparently I tried to update my status on facebook - and instead left some nonsense message to a friend instead! HAHA...

I was completely knocked out - and so far I'm doing great! I can tell when my meds start to wear off - but mostly I just feel like I got into a bar fight with Chuck Norris - and lost. :)

So far - no swelling...which is great. The Doctor said that the swelling will come today or tomorrow - if at I'm waiting! :) (Maybe I could blame my double chin on swelling?) hmm... :)

I do have a nasty bruise on my arm from my IV. Yowsers! It is black..and the size of a half dollar! Mom has been a great help...changing out my gauze, making sure I'm eating jello and taking care of the kids... now - if only they would move here.

Anyone reading this can please help us pursuade them that this is God's plan for their lives. Audrey and Chris are moving here once Audrey need to come with them! :) We've got it all figured out. Trust me. :) We've got an "in" for dad at Fed Ex...and 20 piano students for mom at $44 an hour! HELLO? That's amazing! :)

Anyway - Day 1 went ok with my wisdom Teeth. I would definiately say the C-section was more pain....definiately....but I got a baby out of that ordeal! :)

Here's all I got out of this ordeal.....a cute headband.


Stefanie Spruill said...

That's the saddest pic I've ever seen...I'm glad you're doing well so far though! :)

Miranda said...

I love how you made me swear not to show that picture to anyone and then you posted it on your blog! hahaha.

I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for ya! :)

Wes said...

Don't try to steal Mom and Dad!

Ask mom about how she yelled at me when I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I couldn't move my tounge, therefore I couldn't swallow my pain pill. She was so worried that the pain would intensify that she started to get mad at me because I put the pill on my tongue, drank water, and then nothing happened. I just drooled out the water and the pill!!!

Mel said...

Hey... that picture is pretty rough.
Im glad you are doing good.. :) I didn't get the head wrap when they cut all of mine out...

klittlejohn said...

$44 and hour???!!! Wow, that makes me appreciate your mom even more. She's a great piano teacher...