Looking back a year ago today...was a very different time! First of all...I had just had a c-section...and was recovering in the Hospital. Secondly - I had a beautiful baby boy named JAXEN! :) Crazy! Also on this day - the CELTICS were winning the championship (GO PAUL PIERCE) . (Sorry Jon)
I can't believe Jaxen is 1 already. With your first child - it seems like the longest year of your life! You are pushing them to hold their bottles - then trying to get them to crawl and then pushing them to walk....but with your second...it's completely different! Suddenly time can't slow down - and life starts flying by without you feeling it!
Also this day a year ago...our house had been sitting on the market for 5 months. We KNEW we were moving - but didn't know when or how...and we were VERY unsettled in our current state of life. Funny part is - that on this day at about 4pm - we got a call from our realtor that our house had gone under contract!....We KNEW God had just the right timing - and we called for a 45 day closing - which would allow us to move by August 1st.
We had so many unanswered questions - the hows and why's were HUGE and the not knowing KILLED ME! I remember calling my mom and Danielle - and crying to them about how this was NOT fair....how could a man (Jon's boss) play with our lives!? What were we supposed to be doing - and how was it going to happen!? Where would the money for the move come - and how could we afford our car - etc. So many questions - no answers.
I am thankful - looking back - for the time we went through. It made us stronger - we knew we were on the same team. Suddenly - we didn't need anyone else - it was just about us and the good of our family. It was an amazing time of growth. We are thankful for giving us 2 healthy kids...they bring us so much Joy. (As I'm writing this - they are BOTH screaming their heads off and crying)...so I keep telling myself that they bring us mostly joy. :)
I know we have many more memories to make and fun to have as they grow. We are also so thankful that God moved us to Charlotte. What an incredible feeling to be right smack dab in God's will for us! We feel like we were brought here to be a part of Crosspoint (which I've said over and over) - but each new day and new story and new life changed reminds us of that.
It's been a great year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAXEN....and many many more!
Hope it's not too late to wish you a happy birthday, little man.
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