Well - in the words of our lovely pastors wife and friend...I have been to 2 drive-in's in the past week - but haven't seen a movie at either one! :)
Our church staff and spouses (including Allen - HA) went to a conference at North Point Church in Atlanta, Georgia. It was hosted by Andy Stanley...who basically in the man...

I can't tell you what a life changing experience it was for Jon and I. WOW...Jon had never experienced anything even close to this - and was moved and his heart was tugged and pulled and stretched. It was so neat to watch. I think Jon has always been passionate about our church THROUGH my passion...if that makes sense? Kind of like - I think Elvis is pretty great - but only b/c Jon has fed that to me. ?? So on a much better and bigger scale...Jon saw the Vision for Crosspoint! So that was a huge blessing for me. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing.

The next thing was that I was able to start dreaming. Just dreaming about what could be in the kids ministry, in the worship, in small group life. It made me realize that we need to cast the Vision of our church ministries - not the needs for volunteers. It makes me want to invest in others so that they can be better - and raise up leaders who could take my place at any time. I realized that I am hindering growth in the kids ministry every time I try to do things all by myself. I realized that some of my best ideas are risks and can come from even the smallest volunteer on the "food chain".
I am so excited and completely passionate about this church. I am 100% behind what Jimmy and Patty have given their lives to. Our vision is: Love God. Love Others. Serve the World. I saw so many things that Andy Stanley was telling us to do - that Jimmy and Patty are already DOING! It was so comforting to see that they are living out what they talk about.

I pray that as we come back - we can excite and energize our tired volunteers and raise up new ones. I pray that we come back knowing that God will work in this church - not just hoping.

Here are some pictures. By the way - their kids ministry was off the hook. I can't even describe it. :) Whoo hoo! :) Exciting things to come
Northpoint is so fab and their conferences are out of this world! The information you can walk away with is ministry changing if you implement it - as I'm sure you will!
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