Friday, May 8, 2009

Drive -In

Well - last weekend was a huge event for Crosspoint Kids Ministy! We launched the new set and official curriculum for "the Drive-In". The Drive in is the environment for our K-5th graders on Sunday mornings! It is where they experience small group life for the first time - rockin' worship, and a Bible story that comes to life. Gone are the days of sitting around a Sunday School table (these things are fine) but our methods have changed...not the message!!! We want our kids to come away with 3 things by the time they enter middle school:

Wisdom: I need to make the wise choice
Trust: I can trust God no matter what
Friendship: I need to treat others the way I want to be treated!

Those are our 3 bottom lines - but encaptured in that are 36 virtues and 150 Bible Stories!!!

I am so excited that we have pulled this off in 2 months of working on it! WOW! What great volunteers I have! So blessed! There is soo much farther I want to go - but all in good time! :)
We celebrated by having a drive-in movie and lesson as well as concession stand style food such as
hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, twizzlers and sodas. It was a fun day had by all! We had a great turnout of parents and potential volunteers and we're praying that they catch the vision of children's ministry and the impact they can have in a child's life.

Here are some pictures to highlight the event! :)


Ben, Laura, Ted & Sophie said...

Wow Rachel. I'm so excited for you. I'm glad things went well.

The Cobb Family said...

Hey, Rachel! Your set looks great! Yours truly will be leading TV RiverCamp for a year while Cari Lyle moves to VA temporarily. We have lots to talk about when I see you next month!