Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

So - I've been really bad at blogging. I seem to go in spurts! Life has been a little bit of an adjustment. I started my new job and seem to be running from place to place for meetings and dropping off kids...Dr's appointments and play dates! It's been a GREAT couple of weeks!!

I may have to go back and write some more about this - but for tonight- I will just do Valentines Day. :)

We woke up this morning and opened our Valentines. Momom and Papap sent presents for Kennedy and Jaxen - so they opened those and money from Aunt Lisa....then Valentines from us. It was fun. When I told Kennedy she had presents to open - she looked in our living room where our Christmas Tree used to be...and said - "Pesents go Bye bye"...I thought it was funny that she associated the two together.

We spent the entire day in our PJ's - ate pink cupcakes for breakfast and then all took a nap together this afternoon. When we woke up - Jon and I went out for dinner. We found the GREATEST little Mexican restaurant! It's a new favorite!!
We came home in time to put the kids to bed. It was a great day.


Anonymous said...

umm yeah, Aunt Audrey's presents are coming too...just a little late. :)

and by the way...i got the DVD's...I've just been too sick to do them!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day.