Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 4

Well - we are officially on DAY 4 of The stomach flu. I seriously don't understand this whole illness...or the point of it. It might actually be my VERY first question to God when I get to Heaven! Kennedy had a spurt of energy yesterday (Sunday) morning...but quickly returned to her lethargic state. She has been sitting and laying ALL day (Sunday and Monday). Sunday night we tried to get her out for some fresh air...we took her to Toys R Us. Who wouldn't be excited? She tried to enjoy - but after about 20 minutes - had to be carried b/c she was too weak...
Today she has eaten the following:
- 2 tortilla chips (with a tiny bit of Guacamole on them)
- 2 noodles
- 1 bite of Fruit Loops.

Then the diarrhea set in. NICE right? Come on!!!!


klittlejohn said...

Has she seen the dr.? That's a long time to be sick. I am so sorry for her. It's no fun for mommy either. Hang in there.

thesawhooks said...

Yes...just the stomach bug! :( EW!