Tuesday, January 13, 2009

UPS Delivery

Today the UPS guy came to deliver 20 35lb. packages to our house. Usually when we see a UPS truck - we say "There's grandpa's truck"...and they are in our neighborhood about 3-4 times a week - so we see it OFTEN! :) Today - I opened the door and Kennedy yelled "PAPA!"...I had been telling her that Mama and Papa were coming for a few days now...and I guess she thought this was it! The guy felt bad disappointing her - he was about Dad's age...when he left...Kennedy cried. Guess I'll wait until closer to the end of the week to talk about them coming again. :)
Oh...and Mom and Dad think it will take a while for her to warm up to them...I don't think so! :)


Anonymous said...

OK. I will ask on behalf of everyone... 20 packages? What did you get?

I will guess flooring.

Anonymous said...

Wes took the words right out of my mouth. :) Poor Kennedy! I agree with you, Mommy. I bet Kennedy warms right up quick as a wink!

thesawhooks said...

DING DING DING....flooring. :)