Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Girls Weekend

I had SUCH a great weekend!!! It was my friend Danielle's 30th birthday party!! She and I have been super close for about 9 1/2 years now - so being able to celebrate with her was amazing!! We chose the city of New York as our destination. Danielle has always aspired to live there...and loves to visit!! I flew out on Thursday (after a sad goodbye to my mom and dad, kids and Jon)...and flew into Baltimore. Danielle picked me up at the airport and we headed for her parents house in New Jersey. We belted along with Celine Dion and Jodee Messina, had tons of girl talk and God talk and laughter!! The road trip was one of the best parts!! The weekend only got better. I was able to spend some time with her family, who I am super close to as well! We visited both of her sisters and hung out with her parents the whole day. We had pizza, saw the beach, and had coffee!

Friday night some of the other girls arrived in New Jersey. We had a slumber party at her parents house - and then left the next morning for NYC in 3 cars!! Talk about difficulty in staying together!! :) Amazingly enough - we made it in! We had to make a lunch stop for nothing other than PIZZA! You can't go to NYC without it!

Next - we hurried to the Theater District to see Mamma Mia on broadway! It was INCREDIBLE! I am a HUGE fan of the movie - and love Meryl Streep in it...so I wasn't sure how I would take to the show...but it was fantastic! I don't think I sat back in my seat once...I laughed, cried, sang along and danced. It was amazing!

After the theater - we went for a long walk...did some shopping - and saw the restaurant Serendipity...where the movie was filmed. We walked by Central park and saw the carriages and ice skaters...and pretty much just froze our butts off!!

For dinner - we ate at a restaurant by the name of "Becco". The head chef is William Gallagher. You may have seen him on the Today Show or Good Morning America. It was wonderful!!!

To top the night off...we hit the nightlife of NYC. We headed down to the Village - and went to a club called "Hotel on Revington". It was sooo nice - and so exclusive. It was a little hard to get in...but when 7 girls showed up - all decked out - how could they say "No"?

On top of ALL the fun we had - I got to see one of my best friends since the 4th grade...Holly. She is living in the city now - and it was SOOO fun to see her! I ended up staying the night with her - instead of at the $500 Hilton in Times Square...but it was worth it to be able to catch up!!

Hats off to my WONDERFUL husband - who stayed home with our children - and encouraged me to take this weekend guilt free! He is an amazing man...I'm sooo blessed!!!!


Anonymous said...


Lesley said...

Wow, you are so lucky to have had this time with girlfriends. It looks like SUCH a fun time. Thanks for sharing!!!

The G's said...

NY is such an amazing place. Love the pics! And hats off to your husband!! What a man.