Friday, February 20, 2009

Top Ten List....things to report

1) Jaxen has 2 teeth on the bottom and is working on his 3rd
2) Jaxen is crawling now...he will definitely army crawl - but he also does some scoots on his knees
3) Kennedy has the stomach flu - and is miserable...which makes me miserable! :(
4) Kennedy cheers whenever we pull into her "school" parking lot.
5) Jon is an amazing husband...he helped clean up the debris from #3...
6) This is not how we wanted to spend our weekend! ha-ha!
7) I am LOVING my new job!!!
8) I get the best of both worlds (in my opinion) by working 15 hours a week and being home the rest of the time
9) We miss our families and friends (which includes you!)
10) I heart North Carolina


Anonymous said...

oh yeah, well NKOTB is on the 90s jealous. I'm not jealous of #3...but am of #10.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Letterman!