Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kitchen Complete!

Mom and Dad got here on Saturday! We've been having a GREAT time...but we DID put Dad to work! :) He installed the last part of our 4 phase project in the kitchen. It looks BEAUTIFUL!!! Here's some before and after pictures!


mamag7 said...

Oh my goodness. Rachel.. That's beautiful. Jon was trying to describe it to me on the phone this morning. Beautiful. It looks just like a kitchen you would have. The granite counter tops are very nice.
Thanks for sharing..

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's gorgeous! I love it! Especially the floor...good job dad! (and Jon)

Emily said...

NICE! That is a BEAUTIFUL kitchen!

Anonymous said...

FANTABULOUS!!!Love the cabinets. Love the granite. Love the floor. Your men-folk did a super job!

livinglifeaslesley said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That is my DREAM kitchen, the before and after pictures are AMAZING!!!!

Kristi said...

Looks beautiful Rachel. What a great dad to do that for you! I like your choice of style.

Anonymous said...

What kind of floor is that? I LOVE it!!!