Monday, December 1, 2008

Birthday Girl!

My baby girl is 2 years old! Hard to believe that it has gone so fast! The first year seemed to drag - but this past year has literally flown by! IT's funny how you start to reminise on your children's birthdays...thinking..."Hmmm...2 years ago at this time...I was in labor - or in surgery - or whatever". We are so blessed to have 2 wonderful loving children. I keep saying "this is my favorite age.." but I keep saying that every few months! I think that I just love it all...even through the tough times.
We had a "Backyardigans Birthday". It's her VERY FAVORITE cartoon. In fact, we have to beg her to watch other things just for variety. We celebrated by going to Monkey Joes (a bouce house) and she screamed the entire time. We left early and got pizzas and came home and had cake and opened presents. It was a fun day over all!
She got a new baby doll with lots of accessories (and more to come at least that's what Santa told me). She also got a "sit and spin" and a v-tech computer from G-ma and G-pa Sawhook and some baking supplies and aprons and cookbook from G-ma and G-pa Morgan.
Happy Birthday Kennedy!!!


The G's said...

What fun! Happy birthday Kennedy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I had a Backyardigan birthday party too! Welcome to the twos!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Kennedy! We love you.

Ben, Laura, Ted & Sophie said...

Happy Birthday, Kennedy. I feel like she's so much older than 2!

Kristen Wilson said...

It's really an awesome time the two's. So good that you love every minute. I did, loved every stage, still do. Blessings to you guys and Happy Birthday Kennedy!