Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Like Mother ... like son?!

Jaxen started sucking his thumb today! He had it in all night...not sure if this is a new thing that will stick or just a fluke!? He usually has his hand in his mouth - and it's all raw and red...poor guy! He's teething sooo bad lately...so maybe his thumb just felt the least painful in his mouth?! Either way - it was pretty cute! :)


mamag7 said...

HIs big eyes and fat chubby cheeks.. sooooooo cute..

Ben, Laura, Ted & Sophie said...

i love, love, love when babies suck their thumbs. too cute!!

Anonymous said...

I have had three pacifier babies followed by three thumb suckers. They are adorable when they are little. They are still adorable when they are getting older and it is sweet to still see them doing a baby thing. However it is NOT adorable to hear me saying 50 times a day, "Boo, get your thumb out of your mouth! Boo, you are just too old to be sucking your thumb. Boo, you've GOT to stop sucking that thumb!" You get the idea :)