Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wow! It's hard to believe that 2007 is here and gone! And what a year for change. It has been amazing to see our little family grow together. I am so thankful for so many things. I remember that every year for a VERY long time, my New Years Eve wish was that I would find someone who would love me and care for me as my husband. If you had told me then - that my life would have turned into this fairytail - I would have laughed in your face. I'm so thankful that God's ways were higher than mine and that His thoughts were bigger than mine!! He has blessed us beyond measure by giving us a beautiful baby girl and another one on the way. My biggest prayer is that we can honor Him in the way that we raise them.

He has taught us many lessons by being here in West Virginia. I think the most important thing I've learned is that "Home is where your heart is". My heart is with Jon - so wherever we are at - I am to be content. He's also taught me that my family comes first. My husband and children are to be the number one priority in my day to day life. This means that if ministries or friends try to get in the way of that - they should be removed or I should take a step back. I have learned that I can count the number of good friends on one hand. Having a good friend is a rare and special thing. Sure - I have lots of good "friends" - but someone that really puts my needs and my feelings ahead of their own - is hard to come by. I've learned that most friendships are selfish - and most people are out to see what they can gain - leaving me drained and tired. I have learned to appreciate the friends that pray with me, and for me. The friends that help me clean up after a party, the friends that can make themselves at home in my house, and the friends that I WANT to call because I know that we are going to have a good conversation - not a negative one. The friends that load up their 2 kids on Christmas Eve and take me and my daughter to Urgent Care, the friends that come and take my screaming child when I'm staying at their house - at 3 in the morning, just so I can sleep. The ones that get excited when my daughter takes her first steps or shoves cake into her mouth on her 1st birthday! I love being there for those few friends as well - and pray that I can be as they have been for me. You know who you are!! Thank you!

I have learned that being a "Stay at Home Mom" is not all it's cracked up to be! It's such hard work. I don't get a weekend break - or vacation days. I don't get a bonus check or a ham for Christmas. No one pats me on the back and tells me I am doing a good job every day. I don't get a raise or incentives...and I put in a lot of nights. But there are still rewards they are just different - and will be everlasting.

2007 has been a big year of change for me. I have grown up a lot! Partly with no choice in the matter. :) Those growing times are not always fun - and sometimes they just stink!! But - I always seem to come back stronger. Cheers to 2008!!


Anonymous said...

Your are so funny and smart!!

Anonymous said...

Cheers indeed! It has been a blast to watch your precious family grow in so many ways. Ways that God deems important. (BTW, thanks for sharing your pics with us.)
Blessings to you, Sawhooks!

Anonymous said...

Amazing how having kids makes you grow up! lol I have totally forgotten life without kids! But I wouldnt' change it for the world!
