Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's FALL!

So - yesterday I turned off the AC (no more 96 degree days I hope!) and I opened up the windows! It was WONDERFUL! The house smells fresh - and our whole day seemed brighter! We also went on a walk last night as a family and had a great time. Well last night I kept the windows downstairs open all night. I'm not sure how low it got - but I'm pretty sure our house is 50 degrees. It's freezing!! Poor Kennedy doesn't remember ever wearing pants, socks and shoes or long sleeves! I always let her run around in a onesie at home and she loves to be clothes free! So - this morning I pulled out some fleece pants and a sweatshirt and put it on her while she played...she didn't know what to think...but thought it was hilaroius! Here's a picture of her face... haha!!

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Anonymous said...

She is just the cutest little booger...can't wait 'til October...Dad/Grandpa Morgan