1) Jaxen is walking everywhere...into everything...and thinks he gets to do whatever Kennedy does. He has a lot to learn. HA!
2) Sometimes I see my brother Wes in Jaxen. It's weird...I don't know whether to hug him - or get a curling iron out. (long story)
3) For my 30th birthday I received 3 little prickly hairs on my chinny chin chin...WHAT THE HECK?
4) Kennedy held up my bra the other day and said "Mommy wearing boobies today?"...hmmm let me think on that one.
5) My job is going great. I am learning to lead...it's hard. It would be EASY if I didn't have people to deal with...oh wait....that's the point! :)
6) Last Sunday we had about 60 kids in Xpressway (Our children's program)....we were missing approx. 18 regulars. YIKES! YAAAAY!
7) Working out 6 days a week...feels like another PT job. I got a trainer - and she likes to see me suffer.
8) We leave for the beach in just over a week....I can't wait to get away and relax.
9) God has given me 2 new friends who are AMAZING!!! It's like He knew EXACTLY what I needed - and brought these 2 women to my life! Love my "old" friends too!
10) Jaxen is obsessed with pulling Kennedy's hair.
11) We are BLESSED with a WONDERFUL school for the kids to go to. They LOVE it - and the teachers are awesome. I'm excited to see what this year will bring. They go 2 days a week. If we stay here - our kids will probably continue their education there through high school.
12) Not planning on staying here Grandma. :) Some exciting things in the works!!!
13) Headed to Vail, CO in 3 weeks with one of my best friends and my 2 sisters!!!! Can't wait!
14) I no longer drink soda of any kind. Diet or Regular. Only Water and Green Tea. mmm....I feel sooo much better!
15) Jon is and forever will be the love of my life. He is an amazing creation and gift to me. (You already know this...but it was worth saying again)