Yeah - most of you know that Jon and I have a "knack" for getting locked out of our house. Perhaps it is the array of sippy cups, diapers, wipes, snacks, juice, bottles, formula, sleepies, pacifiers and kids?! Or - just that we forget to grab keys when getting into a vehicle to go someplace!?
ANYWAY...we have many stories...and STILL no Spare KEY! What the heck!?
Tonight was no exception. We got the kids loaded...bags in place (containing the above mentioned items) and sat down in the van - ready to take off. Jon says to me (I am sitting in the passenger seat)..."KEYS?"....
RIGHT...hello - you are the driver. Your responsibility is the keys! ;) We had a mild discussion about it - but decided that it was NOT going to unlock our house! Next thing I know - Jack Bauer...ahem...I mean JON - was on our roof - breaking into our upstairs bathroom window. (Which is really high I might add). He went in...hands first and as un-gracefully as possible - managed to get in - and unlock our door.
Sigh...still need to get that spare key made.....
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Locked out....again
Posted by thesawhooks at Sunday, March 29, 2009 2 comments
Some "ahhh"
Totally funny story....
I had the refrigerator open and was putting things away when Kennedy comes up and points and says "Some Ahh". I was trying to hard to think what that could be...we're learning to decipher her language as she seems to have her own words for EVERYTHING in sight! :)
I pointed to a few things in the fridge only to hear "NO MOMMY....AHHH"...
I FINALLY put 2 and 2 together and realized what she wanted.
We have a spray can of Fat free cool whip and I have to say that sometimes Jon and I will spray it directly from the can into our mouths. :) Well a couple of cans ago, Kennedy caught we let her try. We told her to say "AHH" - and open her mouth and we squirted it into her mouth....
so...she thought it was called "AHH".....
I love having a 2 year old...laughs every day!
Posted by thesawhooks at Sunday, March 29, 2009 4 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
When you become a mother...or I'll say a parent....
There are some MAJOR new questions and unanswered things that come into your life.
Besides all the OBVIOUS things such as:
1) How to effectively change a diaper without getting sprinkled on?
2) How hot should the bath water be?
3) Is my baby getting enough food?
There are some questions better left unsaid. NO one gives you advice on THESE topics like they do on EVERYTHING else (even when you don't want it)....but these are the questions you'd almost welcome the answers too! I think I have it figured out though...after 2 1/2 years of being a mom...and the reason they don't advise you ... is because they don't know themselves! ha!
Here are some examples:
1) When a child comes running up to you at the park and asks you to push her in the swing...what do you do?
a: Pick her up and put her in the swing and start pushing...we're all here to have fun!
b: Quickly Scan the park for her mom to smile and nod.
c: Ignore her and hope she'll go away!
2) When a child is doing something that you don't allow your kids to do...such as go UP the slide - instead of down but the other mom that you're with is letting her child do it. Do you:
a: Call your child out telling them you don't allow that - and make the other mom feel like a schmuck and putting yourself in an awkward position?
b: Try to get them to play on something else - vowing to tell your child LATER that this is unacceptable behavior
c: Let them play on the slide going UP...what's it REALLY going to're the ONLY 2 people on the playground!
3) When a friend offers to watch your children - but doesn't have any of her own that you can "swap out" you:
a: Pay them...they are giving up their time and driving to your owe them and everyone is looking for extra cash these days!
b: Thank them for their generosity over and over...afterall - you've been waiting a LONG time to be able to have a date with your significant other...but risk them being mad and expecting payment.
c: Flip them a gift card...$15 will do - it's the thought that counts.
4) You have someone you know who does a service such as party planning, massaging or pet grooming. He/She wants to do a party, give you a massage or groom your pet for you. You have NO IDEA how much this person charges - and they are kind of weird about people asking. Do you:
a: Risk it! Get the service done and pay for it later! After all- you are supporting your friends business!
b: Don't ask - don't tell! He/she will never know you got massaged somewhere else...and maybe they won't notice your pet with their shiny new well groomed coat!
c: Grin and bear it....ask them how much they charge! - after all - you're getting a service done - you're entitled to know!
5) Someone invites your child over to play or sleep over by themselves. Are you:
a: OBLIGATED to invite their child over for a play date or sleepover...after all - you don't want to be THAT parent who is ALWAYS dropping their kids off
b: Thank them so much for inviting he/she over, but decline knowing you can't possibly return the favor
c: Let them go - and thank the parent - and walk away - nothing owed.
Those are just 5 I can think of off the top of my head! I'm SUPER curious! Hopefully some of you "More seasoned" parents can answer some of these for me!!!! HAHA! Every day is a new time for learning!!!
Posted by thesawhooks at Friday, March 27, 2009 1 comments
I am so thankful for Jon in my life. I just had to write about it! :) He is a gift from God. Every hole in my life or place I am lacking...he fills in personality, help, and talent. I am so blessed that he is such a wonderful husband and father. Most times - he is a slob....I have to say...
but this past week...he could tell I had HAD it with the house being a mess...and cleaning up the same stuff over and over. Some of the household projects had gone unfinished...and were causing a big nuisance and some danger. After his hard days at work...he came home and silently finished them. He didn't draw attention to the fact that he was doing all of these things...he just did them. To me - this is a HUGE gift. More precious than jewelry or gadgets. He let me find the things that he had done - instead of drawing attention to them. One of them was our bathtub. We would stand in 6 inches (deep) of water every time we took a shower. It was gross! This left a VERY messy tub when it all finally drained. He took the whole thing apart - and had to buy all this stuff - and had it cleaned. Not ONLY did he unclog it - but he scrubbed it with bleach to clean the tub! I would NEVER have expected that! When he was done - he drew me a hot bath in my clean tub...complete with candles and wine and bubbles. It was sooo nice! Last night, he sat on the floor and sang ABBA songs at the top of his lungs with me. I'm SURE he would have rather turned on the games...but he knew that he would lose me if he did. (As in - I would zone out)... :) We had sooo much fun together - and I am SOOO thankful that he is "uncool" enough to be doing that with me!!! (We're both huge dorks secretly...and I LOVE that about us!) Anyway - just wanted to share with the world....(Who already KNOW what a great guy I have) thankful I am!!!
Posted by thesawhooks at Friday, March 27, 2009 1 comments
Jaxen is sick
Poor little guy. He has croup and a double ear infection....again! Also - he is just getting over conjunctivitis! EW! He's a trooper...and rarely fusses or cries. His ear infections have been pretty severe each time - so the Dr. told us that if he gets another one between now and September....(which is highly likely due to his track record)...that he will have tubes put in before the Fall.
Through it all - he is a smiley baby - who is into EVERYTHING and sooo much fun! Kennedy - (Thankfully) has remained healthy this go 'round.
Looking forward to our weekend!
Posted by thesawhooks at Friday, March 27, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We had a great week last week! Kennedy's friend Kelsey was here! She was a big help with Jaxen! We did a ton of fun stuff while she was here. On Monday, I
took the kids to Sports Connection and we played in the arcade. All the machines take these cards that you swipe - instead of tokens. Well - we are fortunate because I was able to give Kennedy an old "Kroger" (grocery store in WV) card - and she swiped away - and didn't cost me a dime! ;) Wonder how much longer I can pull this on her before she realizes my trick?!? :)
Tuesday Jon worked from home and we all went to the park. It was a beautiful day! My friend Tracey happened to be there with her 2 kids - so it was a great time to catch up with her! :) It was also St. Patricks day - so we made green mashed potatoes and green frosted cookies. Also - my sister flew in! We had a great time!!! I am so honored that she would want to spend her week of Spring Break with her big sister!!! :) I am realizing how important family is the older I get. Friendships come and go - while a very select few are there forever - some are just put there for a certain season in your life. There is nothing like the relationship you have with your siblings!!! I am so blessed!!! I'm thankful we are close at heart - even though we are far in distance!!!
Wednesday - Jaxen woke up with Conjuctivitis. EW! We took him to the Dr. and got him some drops - and then washed our hands every 2 minutes!! :) No one else got it - thankfully! I took the kids to Ray's Splash Planet which is a giant indoor waterpark. VERY fun!!!
Thursday was spent in the car...which was all good until we hit rush hour coming back to Charlotte! :(
Friday we all went out with friends. We had a babysitter for the kids - and went to watch the games at Cans. It was fun - but we were so exhausted both mentally and physically - that it ended up being a pretty chill night. It was nice to get out of the house - but I think I would have enjoyed taking a big nap instead! ha! Still - the company was most excellent!!!
Saturday was spent rounding up things for Sunday - and taking my sister to IKEA. It was a fun! The kids got a new table - which they LOVE! We're trying to decide what color to paint it!! :)
Sunday was a GREAT day! We were able to celebrate our churches 2nd birthday!!! It was SUCH a great service. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for God leading us to this ministry! Watching videos of how God has changed some of our people from the inside out was incredible! Story after story of life transformations! Then a slide show of what our church has been a part of in the community serving others! SOO neat! We had a great meal catered by Moes (similar to Chipotle) complete with trivia, raffles and a fiesta theme! After the meal - we were able to be a part of the Baptism service. Since we don't have a building - we went to a complex center in South Carolina. My heart was COMPLETELY full as I watched these individuals share their life stories! I was completely blessed to be a part of it!! After the baptisms - the kids were able to play in the pool....I told Kennedy she could put her toes in...but then another one of her parents (who shall remain nameless) let her get all the way in...(ha) Good thing God made DADDY's!
Next time we will know to bring a suit! :)
Posted by thesawhooks at Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4 comments
We have 2 dogs!!!!! I know what you are thinking....and let me just say (before my brother goes crazy on me) that they are NOT ours. :) We are dog sitting for our friends while they are in Disney.
Kennedy is LOVING them here. She calls the bigger one "Mommie"...and the little one "Baby puppy"....their real names are Rosie and Cash. :)
On Monday - we were contemplating getting a rescue dog...because even Jon was falling in love...and with them being just seemed so much easier!!! BUT...then I went to start cleaning my house...and I have HAIR everywhere....ewwwwwwwww!!!
So - no dogs for THIS Sawhook family! :)
Posted by thesawhooks at Tuesday, March 24, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
In case you were wondering...
Jon and I are total opposites. Good thing opposites attract! :) We had fun taking this and reading about each other! Hopefully this will help us understand where we each come from!
We took a Meyers Briggs personality test and scored EXACT opposite sides of each scale! Here's what we found out! Guess which one is which! ;)
About the ENFP |
"They can't bear to miss out on what is going on around them; they must experience, first hand, all the significant social events that affect our lives." "ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types. They can talk their way in or out of anything. They love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it." "Friends are what life is about to ENFPs. They hold up their end of the relationship, sometimes being victimized by less caring individuals. ENFPs are energized by being around people. Some have real difficulty being alone, especially on a regular basis." | ![]() | "outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking..." "ENFPs are energetic and enthusiastic leaders who are likely to take charge when a new endeavor needs a visionary spokesperson. ENFPs are values-oriented people who become champions of causes and services relating to human needs and dreams. Their leadership style is one of soliciting and recognizing others' contributions and of evaluating the personal needs of their followers. ENFPs are often charismatic leaders who are able to help people see the possibilities beyond themselves and their current realities. They function as catalysts." |
About the ISTJ |
"ISTJs are often called inspectors. They have a keen sense of right and wrong, especially in their area of interest and/or responsibility. They are noted for devotion to duty. Punctuality is a watchword of the ISTJ. The secretary, clerk, or business(wo)man by whom others set their clocks is likely to be an ISTJ." "ISTJs are very loyal, faithful, and dependable. They place great importance on honesty and integrity. They are "good citizens" who can be depended on to do the right thing for their families and communities. While they generally take things very seriously, they also usually have an offbeat sense of humor and can be a lot of fun - especially at family or work-related gatherings." "...characterized by decisiveness in practical affairs, are the guardians of institutions, and if only one adjective could be selected, "super dependable" would best describe them." | ![]() | "...private, does not appreciate strangeness, not adventurous, not spontaneous, follows the rules..." "At work, ISTJs get things done on a timely basis. They honor deadlines, and they believe in thoroughness. A half-finished job is not a job well done. They established procedures and schedules, and are uncomfortable with those who do not do the same. ISTJs put duty before pleasure. As long as they can fulfill their responsibilities, they feel useful and thereby satisfied. Their work does not have to be fun, but it has to count toward something productive. ISTJs believe that vacations are something that one takes only when work has been accomplished; thus, at times they do not take vacations even when they could and should." |
Posted by thesawhooks at Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Crazy Story
To me - the following is a CRAZY story about how God really does direct our paths. We still have free-will and choice in matters - but ULTIMATELY His hand guides our steps.
We helped our friend Miranda move this weekend...and when she gave us the address to her "old" house - it was Slate Ridge Road. Hmmm...that sure sounded familiar. I asked her if there had been a house for sale on that road a while back and she had said there was....
Well - when we got there...we figured out that it was one of the two houses we wanted to buy in August when we moved here.
Jon and I had debated over this house and the one we have now - for 2 weeks! We couldn't decide because of the commute...but this house was had a brand new kitchen and it was white with black shutters....super cute. ANYWAY...when we went to put an offer on the house - it was approx. 11am...and someone had beaten us to it by 2 hours. (The house was on the market forever). We took it as a "sign" and bought the house we have now.
To me - this was God's hand directing us to Crosspoint...
Our neighborhood is literally right in front of where we meet...and I felt that we wouldn't have found it had we not gone to see where Kennedy's school would be - and not attended the garage sales in our neighborhood. We would have never met the Alteri's who steered us to Crosspoint - etc. etc. So - I was just praising God in my mind - over shutting that door - so that we could be a part of a great ministry.
Miranda THEN pointed out - that how SHE interpreted the story was that no matter where we would have bought...God would have led us to Crosspoint. She was right across the street - the house she lived in was full of kids ... we were bound to meet her and she would have definiately told us of Crosspoint.
Either way - I think it's an AWESOME story - and confirmation that we are where we are supposed to be....
our prayer was that we would be placed in a neighborhood where we could most effectively be used....and so far - that has come to fruition.
Posted by thesawhooks at Monday, March 09, 2009 1 comments
Weekend Update
This was possibly the busiest weekend we've had in a long time!
Friday night was ladies night out for Crosspoint girls at On the Border. We had a really good time and got to know some people on a different level than just saying "Hi" - as we pass in the hall at church. It was lots of fun!
After that - Stef and Miranda and I went back to Miranda's new house and painted her room. The color is beautiful and the house is SOO cute! I invision some evenings this summer on the front porch sipping on something and having a nice chat! :)
Saturday we woke up and took family pictures.
They turned out very nice in spite of a certain 2 year old who was determined not to smile. UGH!
You can't MAKE someone smile! I can make my children do a lot of things - but smiling is NOT one of them! :) So - we resorted to bribery...that didn't get us too far either. BUT...there were some diamonds in the's a small sample...
After the pictures, we drove back home and I started cooking lunch for 17 young men! Our old pastor at River Ridge also teaches Tennis at UC in Charleston. They had a match at Queens college and stopped here for lunch. I made 5 boxes of pasta with pesto sauce, alfredo sauce and marinara sauce. We also had huge pieces of cheese bread, 4 bags of ceasar salad, a garden salad, chocolate chip cookies and tons of sweet tea. Let me just tell you - they ate it ALL! HAHA! I forgot how much 'boys' can eat! WOW! They were all super polite and gracious - but by the end...we were EXHAUSTED! Oh...and here's a "Matt" for you...(Love you Matt). When he shows up at my door - he says "Oh by the way...the boys are going to want to shower!".... I even have 17 towels!? haha....
Once the tennis team took off for Hilton Head, we packed up the family and headed over to Miranda's to help her start moving....I finished painting - while my strapping young man of a husband helped with the heavy stuff. We got a ton done - and Logan's room painted as well! It was lots of fun - and we were so glad to be able to help!
Sundays are always busy in this house. I, of course, work...and Jon was serving in the kids area as well this week. We were busy with set up and tear down and all that happens between...and then went back to Miranda's late afternoon to finish up. Fun times were had by all...Stef and Scott were there and Alan and Jamie...we barely did ANYTHING...but we had fun hanging out in Mir's new place! Our night cap was none other than Donato's pizza...can't go wrong there! :) We had a great weekend of being with friends and helping others. It felt GREAT!
Posted by thesawhooks at Monday, March 09, 2009 4 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Ministry and stuff
I am about to give up every hope and dream I have ever had regarding music. I just don't think it's the path I'm supposed to take. I have never desired to be a huge recording artist - or be famous or anything of that nature, but I feel like doors have been slammed in my face for about 9 years now - and I honestly can't take it any longer.
Of course college was great. My entire 2nd year was spent touring the country and Kenya singing and working with teens. It was AMAZING and so much fun!!!
I went through a very unique situation in DC. One where EVERYTHING was starting to happen for me. I was working on 7-8 CD projects - leading worship - and doing background vocals for a really neat guy in the area. It was an amazing time. I was able to open for Mark Shultz and Shane and Shane. I've sang with many "greats" like Marty McCall, Alicia Williamson Garcia, and Larnell Harris. I've been on stage with people like Kay Arthur, and James Dobson. It was an amazing sweet time in my life. Being a part of ministries like those was a once in a lifetime chance for me. Unfortunately I witnessed pride getting in the way of people's hearts. I started to see how many musicians in general lost sight of who they were singing too and what they were "performing" for...and that is to give God glory and to lead OTHERS to Christ! It started becoming who they knew in town and what they could accomplish. Unfortunately, it is a sick industry. Right then and there - I vowed never to let my pride get ahold of me. I would rather be singing in a church choir with a "right" heart and attitude, then to be big and famous and have a heart full of selfish ambition. I prayed this to God every day. Every time I got on stage - I would beg God to prepare my heart in this way...I still do.
Well - next comes West secret to all...this was a dark time in my life. First of all, I was put into a church whose worship leader publically humiliated me by asking me to "prove" that I was really a Christian. UM...what do you say to that? It was the worst worship attempt I have ever been a part of. We soon left that church and found another one. It was a LOT better! It was a neat time where I started learning to play and experiment with keys. However, week after week I left disappointed and empty. I had gone from being SUPER involved - to being allowed to do nothing. My entire spiritual growth was stunted for 3 years and constantly felt ashamed that I was a woman and therefore unable to do anything but sing back up. I prayed and prayed that my heart would stop longing for more and that I could be satisfied in what I thought God had obviously called me to do...stand to the side and make whoever was leading look good and sound good!!! I learned to be OK with that! That's what it seems my role in being a woman is all about! RIGHT? WRONG! I have scars that run very deep from that State...I could write a book - and maybe someday I will. Jon and I have never experienced treatment like we did there....and I hope we never have to again. Good news is that it made us stronger.
We have come here and felt love like NO other. Even though we are "churched" individals, we were in desperate need of love and attention. Jon and I were on the verge of calling it quits with any kind of ministry b/c we felt like we had nothing left to give. We were only in survival mode. When you are completly empty how can you turn around and serve? Within the first few months, the amazing people at Crosspoint have loved on us and accepted us. We have found out that we aren't weird (ha - it's all relative) and that serving others and loving on others is the way to be filled!! Jon and I have had more opportunity here in 6 months to talk to others about our faith and why we live the way we do - then in the rest of our lives combined. We prayed that God would give us a big house that we could use for reaching others and ministering to others. Many people did not understand why we "needed" such a big house. We have heard so many backhanded slams on why we would be "frivolous" in spendng...even though no one knows our situation and how we got this house! It wasn't a need - but a desire to be used. We had a great example of this in our friends Chad and Sarah in WV. We wanted that! God gave it to us - and now our house is always full of people! Tonight we have 15 adults and 9 kids coming over for small group! This BLESSES my heart! I also have 5 friends total coming in and out of here today...that is more than I could ask for!!
I have recently started on staff as the Children's Ministry Director. I didn't have a love and passion for this when I first sought it out. But - I knew my personality - and I KNEW I could develop it FAST! It has been 5 weeks - and I'm wondering how I ever lived without this before?! I absolutely love it. I ALREADY love those kids - and desire not only to minister to them, but to their parents and families. It has made me a better mom and wife. You can agree to disagree - but I am made and created like this...and when I am using the gifts and abilities God has given me - why wouldn't I flourish in that?
All this to say - that I don't think I am wired to be a musician. It hurts my heart too much. I constantly feel inadequate and unusable. I forever feel that I'm not good enough - no matter how prepared my heart and voice are. Perhaps these other things have come into my life so that I will close that door behind me - and move on through another walk-way!? I asked God to keep me humble and to keep me as a "choir" singer if that's what it took to keep my heart in check...and He has granted me that and given me a ton in return!! How can I not be thankful?
Posted by thesawhooks at Wednesday, March 04, 2009 7 comments
My Dance
Most of you know that my husband is a WONDERFUL dancer! He is Mr. Rhythm and can move like anybody's business. Yesterday was a horrible day for me. I was suffering from a crushed spirit - and because of it - I couldn't stop crying!! My poor contacts were so salty - they had to be thrown out. :) HA!
When Jon came home, he picked me up in his arms and put on Michael Buble'. He danced me around and let me cry on his shoulder. I seriously had butterflies again...just like the first night we met. I was completely lost in the moment until...
Our 2 year old daughter came up and said "DADDY...MY DANCE"....(ahh!) She grabbed onto his leg and started trying to move...she looked like a freako - but it was SOOO funny and so cute! Jon and I's hearts MELTED right there...and the tears came back! That is a sweet moment that I never want to forget. I hope Kennedy grows up always wanting to dance with her Daddy.
Posted by thesawhooks at Wednesday, March 04, 2009 2 comments